Make a donation.
It all begins with an idea but it comes to life becasue of you.

We are seeking support to take Holden Street to the next level! With outstanding shows, the creation of new work, new collaborations we provide a launchpad for local artists and we need your help.
We are raising funds to support the two main stage productions in our 2025 Season 'Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?' and the other (under embargo), and to develop the company. In 2024 we produced two critically acclaimed works winning the Adelaide Critic’s Circle Award for our 2023 productions and nominations for our 2024 productions, we are building. We are running on minuscule budgets and rely on donations from you and volunteer work to make it through. You can donate a one-off for a specific item or show, a small amount across the year, or donate a lump sum that will enable us to plan further out, secure performance rights earlier and get up on sale sooner. We are co-producing with independent artists creating opportunities for touring work in and out of Holden Street delivering stronger pathways and networks for ourselves and our artists. The NEW WORK 'Eileen Grey' is continuing to develop and will be ready for production in 2026, and a new creative developement is starting in 2025
We have proven that we create opportunities for artists and audiences to experience professional-level work from a second-tier in-house company and we have delivered high-quality productions. We donate personal time and funds to the shows and work on the smell of an oily rag but we need to keep that rag oily. We need to keep venues open and encourage the industry to aim high. We need to take some of the risk out of this for artists so they can We have given emerging artists a platform and reinvigorated artists to get back on stage and produce shows. Every little bit helps. We need to make it easy for people to donate to us and support what we are doing.
Donations support Artists costs, Sets, Costumes, Props, Marketing & Promotion, Administration and Production costs. Even the smallest amount helps. We source props & costumes from charity shops and hire from local theatre companies and donate them back or sell them to fund more of what we do. We’d love to be completely self-sufficient & create theatre all year round, generate more audience & create more funding opportunities. IN 2024 we engaged 38 creatives over the three shows we produced and in 2025 we aim to double this. Audiences will see incredible contemporary & classical plays at affordable prices & Holden Street will have to stay open & be a producing house not just a venue for hire with a bleak future. Your donation will make this happen. You can read more about what we do and who we are at https://www.holdenstreettheatres.com/hst-inc-1